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Document Type: Artigo
Title: Phytochemical screening, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Chrysopogon zizanioides essential oil
Authors: Lima, Gabrielle Mendes
Quintans-Júnior, Lucindo José
Thomazzi, Sara Maria
Almeida, Emyle Mayra Santana Alves
Melo, Mônica Santos de
Serafini, Mairim Russo
Cavalcanti, Sócrates Cabral de Holanda
Gelain, Daniel Pens
Santos, João Paulo Almeida dos
Blank, Arie Fitzgerald
Alves, Péricles Barreto
Oliveira Neta, Paulina Marques de
Lima, Julianeli Tolentino de
Rocha, Ricardo Fagundes da
Moreira, José Cláudio Fonseca
Araújo, Adriano Antunes de Souza
Issue Date: Apr-2012
Abstract: Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty, Poaceae, is a plant widely used in northeast Brazil in folk medicine for the treatment of various pathological conditions, including inflammatory pain. The present study evaluated the antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of C. zizanioides essential oil (EO) in rodents. EO was further characterized by GC/MS. The major components of EO were identified as khusimol (19.57%), E-isovalencenol (13.24%), α-vetivone (5.25%), β-vetivone (4.87%) and hydroxy-valencene (4.64%). Following intraperitoneal injection (i.p.), EO at 50 and 100 mg/kg significantly reduced the number of writhes (51.9 and 64.9%, respectively) and the number of paw licks during phase 2 (56.7 and 86.2%, respectively) of a formalin model when compared to control group animals. However, EO-treated mice were ineffective at all doses in hot-plate and rota-rod tests. The EO inhibited the carrageenan-induced leukocyte migration to the peritoneal cavity in a dose-dependent manner (34.7, 35.4, and 62.5% at doses of 25, 50 and 100 mg/kg, respectively). In the paw edema test, the EO (100 mg/kg) inhibited all three phases of the edema equally well, suggesting that the EO has a non-selective inhibitory effect on the release or actions of these mediators. Our results suggest possible antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of the EO.
Keywords: Anti-inflamatório
Atividade antinociceptiva
Chrysopogon zizanioides
Óleos essenciais
ISSN: 0102-695X
Citation: LIMA, G. M. et al. Phytochemical screening, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Chrysopogon zizanioides essential oil. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, Curitiba, v. 22, n. 2, Abr. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jun. 2013.
License: Creative Commons Attribution License
Appears in Collections:DEA - Artigos de periódicos
DFA - Artigos de periódicos

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