The Institutional Repository of Universidade Federal de Sergipe is an initiative that aims to gather, disseminate and preserve the academic and scientific production developed by UFS’ various sectors. The contents are organized and made available with unrestricted access in order to increase visibility and the impact of the institutional production, as well as to contribute to the democratization of knowledge. To find out how to publish, CLICK HERE. In case of doubts, please contact us: or by phone +55 79 3194-6528.
- 955 Educação
- 625 Ensino superior (UFS)
- 567 História
- 390 Administração
- 342 Arquitetura
- 332 Ensino de história
- 332 Meio ambiente
- 326 Sociologia
- 316 Sergipe
- 301 Formação de professores
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Date issued
- 6427 2020 - 2025
- 10385 2010 - 2019
- 1168 2000 - 2009
- 51 1990 - 1999
- 10 1981 - 1989
Document Type
- 6613 Dissertação
- 4446 Monografia
- 1903 Trabalhos em Eventos
- 1706 Artigo
- 1228 Tese
- 524 Relatório
- 282 Anais completos de Eventos
- 278 Vídeo
- 220 Gravação de áudio
- 203 Outro
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