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dc.contributor.authorSalvador, Marcos José-
dc.contributor.authorCarvalho, João Ernesto de-
dc.contributor.authorWisniewski Junior, Alberto-
dc.contributor.authorKassuya, Cândida Aparecida Leite-
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Élide Pereira dos-
dc.contributor.authorRiva, Dilamara-
dc.contributor.authorStefanello, Maria Élida Alves-
dc.identifier.citationSALVADOR, M. J. et al. Chemical composition and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil from the leaves of Casearia lasiophylla. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, Curitiba, v. 21, n. 5, p. 864-868, set./out. 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 ago. 2013.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractThe essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from fresh leaves of Casearia lasiophylla Eichler, Salicaceae, was analyzed by gas capillary (GC/FID and GC/MS). The cytotoxicity of the leaves essential oil was tested in vitro againstU251 (glioma), UACC-62 (melanoma), MCF-7 (breast), NC1-ADR/RES (ovarian-resistant), NCI-H460 (lung), PC03 (prostate), OVCAR-3 (ovarian), HT-29 (colon) and K562 (leukemia) human cancer cells and against VERO (no cancer cell). The yield of oil was 0.02%. Fifty two compounds were identified, representing 87.1% of the total of the oil. The main components were identified as germacrene D (18.6%), β-caryophyllene (14.7%), δ-cadinene (6.2%), and α-cadinol (5.4%). The oil exhibited antiproliferative activity against all cell lines (TGI<100 µg/mL), with exception of NCI-H460 cell line (TGI 191.31 µg/mL). The highest activity was observed against UACC-62 (TGI 7.30 µg/mL), and K562 (TGI 7.56 µg/mL) cell lines. The observed activity could be related to high content of germacrene D and β-caryophyllene, compounds known as cytotoxic.pt_BR
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosiapt_BR
dc.subjectCasearia lasiophylla Eichlerpt_BR
dc.subjectÓleos essenciaispt_BR
dc.subjectAtividade anti-tumoralpt_BR
dc.subjectGermacreno Dpt_BR
dc.titleChemical composition and cytotoxic activity of the essential oil from the leaves of Casearia lasiophyllapt_BR
dc.identifier.licenseCreative Commons Attribution Licensept_BR
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