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Document Type: Artigo
Title: Antimicrobial action and anti-corrosion effect against sulfate reducing bacteria by lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil and its major component, the citral
Authors: Korenblum, Elisa
Goulart, Fátima Regina de Vasconcelos
Rodrigues, Igor de Almeida
Abreu, Fernanda
Lins, Ulysses
Alves, Péricles Barreto
Blank, Arie Fitzgerald
Valoni, Érika
Sebastian, Gina Vazquez
Alviano, Daniela Sales
Alviano, Celuta Sales
Seldin, Lucy
Issue Date: Aug-2013
Abstract: The anti-corrosion effect and the antimicrobial activity of lemongrass essential oil (LEO) against the planktonic and sessile growth of a sulfate reducing bacterium (SRB) were evaluated. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of LEO and its major component, the citral, was 0.17 mg ml-1. In addition, both LEO and citral showed an immediate killing effect against SRB in liquid medium, suggesting that citral is responsible for the antimicrobial activity of LEO against SRB. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the MIC of LEO caused discernible cell membrane alterations and formed electron-dense inclusions. Neither biofilm formation nor corrosion was observed on carbon steel coupons after LEO treatment. LEO was effective for the control of the planktonic and sessile SRB growth and for the protection of carbon steel coupons against biocorrosion. The application of LEO as a potential biocide for SRB growth control in petroleum reservoirs and, consequently, for souring prevention, and/or as a coating protection against biocorrosion is of great interest for the petroleum industries.
Keywords: Lemon grass essential oil
Antimicrobial activity
Souring prevention
Sulfate reducing bacteria
Óleos essenciais
Atividade antimicrobiana
ISSN: 2191-0855
Publisher / Institution : Springer Open
Citation: KORENBLUM, E. et al. Antimicrobial action and anti-corrosion effect against sulfate reducing bacteria by lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil and its major component, the citral. AMB EXpress, Heidelberg, v. 3, n. 44, ago. 2013. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 13 jan. 2016.
License: Creative Commons Attribution License
Appears in Collections:DEA - Artigos de periódicos

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