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Tipo de Documento: Artigo
Título: Updated morphological description of Asteroporpa (Asteroporpa) annulata (Euryalida: Gorgonocephalidae) from the Brazilian coast, with notes on the geographic distribution of the subgenus
Título(s) alternativo(s): Descripción morfológica actualizada de Asteroporpa ( Asteroporpa ) annulata (Euryalida: Gorgonocephalidae) de la costa brasileña, con notas sobre la distribución geográfica del subgénero
Autor(es): Manso, Cynthia Lara de Castro
Gondim, Anne Isabelley
Dias, Thelma L. P.
Data do documento: Abr-2012
Abstract: This study provides an updated morphological description of Asteroporpa (Asteroporpa) annulata based on one specimen from the northeastern coast of Brazil, thus validating the previously uncertain occurrence of this species there. We also provide notes on the known geographic distribution of the subgenus Asteroporpa (Asteroporpa) and comments on ecological aspects of this taxon. Given our limited knowledge of the Euryalida fauna along the Brazilian coast, these new records are important for understanding the distribution, dispersal and speciation patterns of this group. The number of Euryalida reported for the Brazilian coast is increased to eight with this record.
Palavras-chave: Echinodermata
ISSN: 0718-1957
Citação: GONDIM, A. I.; DIAS, T.L.P.; MANSO, C. L. C. An updated morphological description of Asteroporpa (Asteroporpa) annulata (Echinodermata: Euryalida: Gorgonocephalidae) from the Brazilian coast, with notes on the geographic distribution of the subgenus. Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, Valparaíso, v. 47, n. 1, p. 141-146, abr. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 28 fev. 2013.
Licença: Autorização para publicação no Repositório da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (RIUFS) concedida pelo editor.
Aparece nas coleções:DBCI - Artigos de periódicos

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