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Document Type: Artigo
Title: Antioxidant, Antinociceptive, and Anti-inflammatory Properties of the Ethanolic Extract of Combretum duarteanum in Rodents
Authors: Gouveia, Marcos Guilherme de Souza
Xavier, Maria Aldenise
Barreto, André Sales
Gelain, Daniel Pens
Santos, João Paulo Almeida dos
Araújo, Adriano Antunes de Souza
Silva, Francilene Amaral da
Quintans, Jullyana de Souza Siqueira
Agra, Maria de Fátima
Cabral, Analúcia G. S.
Tavares, Josean F.
Silva, Marcelo S.
Quintans-Júnior, Lucindo José
Issue Date: Nov-2011
Abstract: The antioxidant, antinociceptive, and anti-inflammatory activities of the ethanolic extract from leaves of Combretum duarteanum (EEC) were assessed in rodents through in vitro tests. The antioxidant activity was investigated by using thiobarbituric acid reactive species (TBARS), hydroxyl radical–scavenging, and scavenging activity of nitric oxide assays. The antinociceptive activity was investigated by using acetic acid–induced writhing, formalin, and hot-plate tests in mice. The anti-inflammatory activity was assessed in rats by using the carrageenan-induced hind-paw edema test and arachidonic acid–induced paw edema test. EEC possesses a strong antioxidant potential according to the TBARS, nitric oxide, and hydroxyl radical–scavenging assays; it also presented scavenger activity in all in vitro tests. After intraperitoneal injection, EEC (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg) significantly reduced the number of writhes (38.1%, 90.6%, and 97.8%, respectively) in a writhing test and the number of paw licks during phase 1 (30.5% and 69.5%, higher doses) and phase 2 (38.1%, 90.6%, and 97.8%, all doses) of a formalin test when compared with the control group. Naloxone (1.5 mg/kg, intraperito- neally) antagonized the antinociceptive action of EEC (400 mg/kg), and this finding suggests participation of the opioid system. Administration of 200 and 400 mg/kg (intraperitoneally) of EEC exhibited an anti-inflammatory activity in the carrageenin test, which was based on interference with prostaglandin synthesis. This finding was confirmed by the arachidonic acid test. Together, these results indicate that properties of EEC might be further explored in the search for newer tools to treat painful inflammatory conditions, including those related to pro-oxidant states.
Keywords: Anti-inflamatório
Atividade antioxidante
Atividade antinociceptiva
Plantas medicinais
Combretum duarteanum
ISSN: 1557-7600
Publisher / Institution : Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Citation: GOUVEIA, M. G. S. et al. Antioxidant, antinociceptive, and anti-inflammatory properties of the ethanolic extract of combretum duarteanum in rodents. Journal of Medicinal Food, San Diego, v. 14, n. 11, p. 1389-1396, nov. 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 jun. 2013.
License: Copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Appears in Collections:DFA - Artigos de periódicos

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